The manga One Piece, written and illustrated by Oda Eiichiro, is a work of fantasy, action, superpower, humor, shounen, adventure, drama, and was released in 1997. The chapter in question is 1128. All of the plot points from the anime One Piece: The story begins with Gol D., a famous pirate. Gol D. Roger, a renowned and fearless figure who sailed the Grand Line, was dubbed the "Pirate King" due to his daring adventures. His capture and execution by the World Government marked a turning point worldwide. In his final moments, Roger disclosed the existence of the ultimate treasure, known as the "One Piece," forever changing how people around the globe behaved. Because of this discovery, the Grand Age of Piracy began, and with it came the hopes and dreams of countless men who sought the legendary treasure map known as One Piece, which, if found, would provide them immortality, boundless wealth, and stardom.

Hayden Panettiere Granted Restraining Order Against Former Boyfriend Brian Hickerson

Hayden Panettiere has been granted a restraining order against her former boyfriend Brian Hickerson. According to multiplereports, the 30-year-old actress filed to register an out-of-state restraining order to protect her from Hickerson in the state of California, where she currently resides.

The news comes five months after Hickerson was arrested in Wyoming for domestic battery following an alleged incident with Panettiere.

According to court documents obtained by ET at the time, Panettiere called the police after Hickerson allegedly "struck Panettiere with a closed fist on the right side of her face." The documents claim that Panettiere locked Hickerson out of a private home the couple was staying at and when police arrived at the address, an alleged intoxicated Hickerson was standing in the driveway. The documents allege that Hickerson told police that Panettiere was "…saying he beat the f**k out of me." According to the report, police on the scene noticed visible injuries on Panettiere's face, including "a fresh scrape and swelling on the top of her left hand which she believed came from Hickerson's watch during the altercation."

According to the court documents filed in February, when Hickerson was asked by police if he punched Panettiere, his "demeanor immediately changed and he avoided the question." The document claims that Hickerson told police that nothing happened between him and Panettiere. The couple, according to the documents, hired a private chef for $700 for the evening and the chef was interviewed by police and told officers that the couple was arguing earlier in the evening, but the male chef had already left before the alleged early morning physical fight occurred.

Hickerson was arrested at the scene for alleged domestic battery. In April, he reportedly pleaded not guilty to the charge.

This wasn't the first time Hickerson was arrested for an incident involving Panettiere. Last May, he was booked on suspicion of felony domestic violence and later charged with one felony count of domestic violence, and he pleaded not guilty.