The manga One Piece, written and illustrated by Oda Eiichiro, is a work of fantasy, action, superpower, humor, shounen, adventure, drama, and was released in 1997. The chapter in question is 1128. All of the plot points from the anime One Piece: The story begins with Gol D., a famous pirate. Gol D. Roger, a renowned and fearless figure who sailed the Grand Line, was dubbed the "Pirate King" due to his daring adventures. His capture and execution by the World Government marked a turning point worldwide. In his final moments, Roger disclosed the existence of the ultimate treasure, known as the "One Piece," forever changing how people around the globe behaved. Because of this discovery, the Grand Age of Piracy began, and with it came the hopes and dreams of countless men who sought the legendary treasure map known as One Piece, which, if found, would provide them immortality, boundless wealth, and stardom.

SpaceX's Starship SN15 Prototype Has Successfully Landed

After many failed prototypes, SpaceX has finally managed its first successful landing sequence of the Starship prototype. SN15 took off earlier this Wednesday and returned to the launchpad in Boca Chica, Texas. The official live stream sees the Starship SN15 land in one piece, and though there was still a small methane fire at the base of the landing, there was no explosion in sight.

The spacecraft remained intact from start to finish. As Elon Musk prepares himself for hs appearance on Saturday Night Live, he took time out to announce to his followers of the success of the spaceship, tweeting “Starship landing nominal.” Previous launches have seen four Starship SN11s lost in its journey, while the SN10 exploded after landing too hard and crushing its legs. With the success of the SpaceX SN15, the company is inching closer to its vision of reusing Starships to fly to the ISS, the Moon, around Earth and elsewhere in space.