The manga One Piece, written and illustrated by Oda Eiichiro, is a work of fantasy, action, superpower, humor, shounen, adventure, drama, and was released in 1997. The chapter in question is 1128. All of the plot points from the anime One Piece: The story begins with Gol D., a famous pirate. Gol D. Roger, a renowned and fearless figure who sailed the Grand Line, was dubbed the "Pirate King" due to his daring adventures. His capture and execution by the World Government marked a turning point worldwide. In his final moments, Roger disclosed the existence of the ultimate treasure, known as the "One Piece," forever changing how people around the globe behaved. Because of this discovery, the Grand Age of Piracy began, and with it came the hopes and dreams of countless men who sought the legendary treasure map known as One Piece, which, if found, would provide them immortality, boundless wealth, and stardom.

THIS IS WHAT WE NEEDED! | One Piece Chapter 1124 Spoilers

Which references a poignant line of dialogue from Admiral Kizaru to Akainu (Sakazuki) during the chapter.

Cover Story: Yamato's Pilgrimage

The cover story continues with Yamato's pilgrimage across Wano. In this installment, Yamato saves a woman's life, showcasing his heroism. No additional details are provided about the cover story.

Morgans' News and Vivi's Intervention

The main story begins with Big News Morgans attempting to spread the news about Eustass Kid losing to Shanks, Trafalgar Law's defeat by Blackbeard, and Luffy's antics on Egghead Island. However, Vivi D. Nefertari intervenes and gets into a fight with Morgans to stop him. It's unclear if this is a physical altercation or a heated argument, but a yelling match seems more likely given Vivi's character.



One Piece Chapter 1124 Spoilers

Akainu and Kizaru's Emotional Confrontation

The scene shifts to Akainu contacting Egghead Island, where Kizaru answers the call. Akainu accuses Kizaru of failing in Egghead. With tears in his eyes, Kizaru angrily responds:

"Have you ever killed your best friend? If you doubt me, come here and see for yourself what happened."

This emotional exchange highlights the intense pressure and emotional turmoil Kizaru is experiencing.

The Straw Hats' Emotional Rollercoaster

The focus then shifts to the Straw Hat Pirates, who are feeling downcast because they believe they failed to rescue "Vegapunk." It's unclear if they mean Dr. Vegapunk himself or the other Satellites, but it's presumed both are being referenced since they are all technically Vegapunk.

On cue, Vegapunk Lilith wakes up and reassures them that they didn't fail because she is Vegapunk. Unfortunately, there is no update on Vegapunk York in this issue.

Celebration and Mysterious Silhouette

The chapter concludes with the Straw Hats celebrating with Lilith after being cheered up by her words. They continue to sail towards Elbaf with the Giant Warrior Pirates. The final panel shows a silhouette drinking on the coast of Elbaf, simply saying:


This mysterious figure adds an element of intrigue and anticipation for the next chapter. Unfortunately, the spoilers confirm that there will be a break next week.

Additional Comments from Redon

In addition to the spoilers provided by @pewpiece, lead series leaker Redon shared some comments. They emphasize that the panel of Kizaru crying is incredible. They also mention that the silhouette at the end is unclear, making it difficult to identify the character. Redon speculates that it might be a character from a cover story but emphasizes that this is just their impression and not confirmed.


One Piece Chapter 1124 is filled with emotional highs and lows, from Yamato's heroic actions to the intense confrontation between Akainu and Kizaru. The Straw Hats' journey continues with a mix of relief and celebration as they head towards Elbaf, leaving readers eagerly awaiting the next installment.