Anastasia Hoshin

Anastasia Hoshin is the head of the Hoshin Trading Company and a candidate to become the 42nd King of Lugnica. Anastasia is a petite woman with blue green eyes and long, wave purple hair that extends to her hips. She wears a long white dress with a fur hat and scarf along with a large purse shaped like a wallet. She is described to have cute looks and an aura similar to a small animal.

Anastasia has a crafty personality, always putting herself first, even admitting herself that she was greedy, her greed stemming from the fact that she was an orphan. She likes it when people benefit when she benefits, though despite her faults, she is actually sympathetic and has a strong sense of duty. Currently Anastasia's body is being controlled by the Artificial Spirit Echidna as she is unable to leave her body for an unknown reason.