
Fern, a young human Mage, joins Frieren as both her apprentice and a valued member of their party. Originally a war refugee from the Southern Lands, Fern's life took a positive turn when she was adopted by Heiter. After Heiter's passing, she came under Frieren's wing. Possessing a mature demeanor influenced by her upbringing, Fern often takes on the role of the nurturing figure within their group. She assumes the responsibility of waking Frieren, tending to her needs, and even cleaning up after her. This motherly inclination extends to Stark as well, occasionally scolding him for staying up late, despite their similar ages. Beneath this outward motherly veneer, Fern harbors a sensitive side. When her desires are disregarded or she feels slighted, she can display a more childlike and petulant behavior. In more extreme cases, she resorts to sulking and ignoring attempts at reconciliation, though gestures like offering her food or yielding to her requests can mend these rifts. Fern also tends to observe and investigate from a distance when she's suspicious or curious about someone, rather than confronting them directly. This is evident in her discreet monitoring of Frieren's financial decisions and her discreet inquiries into Stark's preferences for a birthday gift.

Mage Fern

Dedicated and disciplined, Fern's rigorous training from a young age enabled her to become a formidable mage in her own right, earning Frieren's recognition. She excels under pressure, maintaining composure even in combat against more technically powerful adversaries. Her determination to master magic stems from the loss of her parents at an early age and the subsequent adoption by Heiter. Heiter's counsel, urging her to live on for the sake of preserving cherished memories, ignited Fern's unwavering commitment to learning magic. She sought to demonstrate to him that he could depart in peace, assured that she would thrive without regrets.

Fern, a young teenage human with captivating purple eyes and flowing waist-length hair that transitions to a vibrant magenta near the roots, favors a straight cut with framing bangs. She typically wears her hair down, with two longer strands framing her face. Following her sixteenth birthday, Fern adopted a new hairstyle, partially tying her hair back with a butterfly hairpin gifted by Frieren. As she matured, Fern also surpassed Frieren in height. Her stoic disposition is reflected in her typically reserved expression, rarely displaying intense emotions.

fern and frieren

In her travels with Frieren, Fern dons a graceful, buttoned white dress with a Victorian-style bodice, featuring a frilled collar and billowy white sleeves, complemented by sturdy black boots. When venturing outdoors, she adds a long black coat with a contrasting white lining and a hood. For her eighteenth birthday, Stark bestowed upon her an intricately designed mirrored lotus bracelet, a cherished adornment she wears on her left wrist.

After the events at Graf Granat's Domain, Fern received a stylish black, long-sleeved dress, which she pairs with a cozy, cropped white winter jacket and a coordinating purple braided scarf in chillier settings.

In her youth, Fern sported a short, bobbed hairstyle with straight purple locks, adorned with a large red ribbon. Her attire closely resembled her current outfit, featuring a miniature version of the buttoned white dress, a black cloak, and black Mary Jane shoes. Before Heiter's adoption, she wore a light-hued shoulder cape in lieu of the cloak and possessed a locket holding a cherished photograph of her family.

In battle, Fern wields a lengthy wooden staff wrapped in delicate purple ribbons—a gift from Heiter.


  • Proficient Mana Concealment: Like Frieren, Fern excels at masking her mana, a skill she honed from childhood. This enables her to approach individuals, even formidable Demons, without detection. She's managed to surprise powerful beings like Lügner and Wirbel, who were unaware of her presence until she was right beside them. Frieren herself attests to the difficulty of locating Fern when she conceals her mana.

  • Astute Mana Detection: Fern surpasses her peers in mana detection abilities, evident in her discernment of Serie's unstable mana—an feat even the seasoned mage Lernen couldn't achieve after apprenticing under Serie for over 50 years. This remarkable skill prompted Serie to offer Fern apprenticeship, despite initially planning to fail her.