
Edison, also known as Punk-03, is one of Dr. Vegapunk's six satellites, embodying his aspect of "thinking." This small mechanical companion, roughly the size of a young child, sports a head reminiscent of an American football with two protrusions resembling either rabbit ears or a power plug. Its eyes bulge out from a front opening, with the number 03 stamped on its forehead. Edison dons a jacket split between dark on the left side and light on the right, featuring the kanji for "idea" on the right breast and a spear-like pattern on the left. With metallic fingers, slender rod-like legs, and blocky feet, Edison exudes an air of perpetual energy, ceaselessly concocting new invention ideas and conducting experiments, even in the face of danger. It habitually interjects with "Eureka!" when struck by inspiration. Edison was notably taken aback by Lilith's penchant for violence and threats.


Edison displays a genuine concern for Vegapunk's allies, particularly worrying about Stussy's potential jeopardy with the World Government should her allegiance to Vegapunk be exposed. When CP0 neared to eliminate all Vegapunks, Edison hesitated to contact her for fear of her safety. During the confrontation with CP0 at the Labophase, Edison, alongside Lilith and Pythagoras, supervised the S-Shark Seraphim's battle against some members of the Straw Hat Pirates. Yet, Edison's attention repeatedly veered towards new invention ideas, leading it to momentarily abandon its post. Edison later had a breakthrough idea when CP0 sealed off all exits, and expressed concern about Stussy's potential endangerment should she decide to assist them. However, it noted that their escape had now become more attainable.

Subsequently, when the Seraphim ventured to the Labophase on their own, Edison and Lilith ventured outside to try to take control of the Seraphim. Eventually, Edison succeeded in halting the Seraphim's assault after Stussy subdued Lucci and Kaku.

Edison later joined forces with the Straw Hats, Stussy, and the other satellites in the control room as they embarked on their quest to locate the main Vegapunk, commenting on their successful restoration of Atlas.

Teaming up with Brook and Nami to search for the Stella, Edison found itself amused and bewildered by Nami's fascination with manmade diamonds in Tower A Floor 3. Later, it was attacked and incapacitated by S-Shark. Nami cradled Edison, urging it to "hang in there." Edison eventually reunited with the remaining satellites, Vegapunk, and the Straw Hats after they captured the traitor York, though its injuries remained unaddressed. Despite its wounded state, alongside Vegapunk and Atlas, it endeavored to decipher the code York had placed on the Frontier Dome, successfully cracking it, much to York's chagrin. Edison was later astonished when Kizaru suddenly appeared in the Control Room, and even more so when it witnessed a colossal Luffy apprehending Kizaru.