
The Pacifista are advanced combat units created by the leading Marine scientist, Dr. Vegapunk. These formidable beings are cybernetic duplicates of the former Warlord Bartholomew Kuma, who served as the prototype for this project. According to Sentomaru, the financial resources needed to construct a single Pacifista are roughly equivalent to that required for a Marine battleship. Sentomaru pointed out that following a period of two years, the current Pacifista models represent advancements over the earlier prototypes, now designated as Mark III. They are stationed on the island of Egghead. Additionally, a select group of elite Pacifista, known as the Seraphim, were ultimately completed and deployed in the pursuit of the Seven Warlords of the Sea after the group's dissolution.

Pacifista Mark III

The Mark III model demonstrates the ability to weaponize a substance resembling Yarukiman-type resin in combat. This material is discharged from a port in its palm and is referred to as a "Bubble Shield." While the resin used on ships at the Sabaody Archipelago is already highly resilient, designed to withstand the immense pressure of the deep sea, the variety employed by the Mark III is even more impervious to concentrated force, as demonstrated when it deflected a bazooka shot. The precise means by which this resin maintains its durability outside of Sabaody's unique environment—whether through Egghead's artificially controlled climate or by some other mechanism—remains unknown.

These Pacifista are responsive to Sentomaru's verbal commands and are observed to rest in pods within the Fabriophase when not in active use. When Luffy, Tony Tony Chopper, Jinbe, and Jewelry Bonney took provisions and attire from various apparatuses on Egghead without making payment, a Pacifista in a law enforcement uniform intervened to apprehend them for their transgressions. Luffy attempted to counter the unit, but Bonney intervened, as Kuma is her father, and she could not bear to see him harmed, even though the Pacifista unit was not the original Kuma. When Bonney altered the group's ages, the Pacifista failed to recognize them and ceased its pursuit.

Subsequently, during Cipher Pol's infiltration of Egghead, Sentomaru deployed 50 Mark III units and instructed them to ensure Dr. Vegapunk's safe departure from the island along with the Straw Hat Pirates, regardless of the cost. One of these units was witnessed engaging Cipher Pol agents, repelling bazooka fire with its bubble shield before taking the agents into custody. These same Pacifista units were later stationed by Sentomaru along the coast to repel invading Marines. They followed this directive after Sentomaru engaged Kizaru in battle and confronted several Vice Admirals during the ongoing conflict. They later received new orders from Kizaru after he defeated Sentomaru, directing them to support the Marines and combat the Sea Beast Weapons off the coast of Egghead, a mission they accomplished successfully.